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The second project of our studio - a 3D animated short "Munkha"!

Munkha — is a unique winter tradition of the Sakha. Every winter villagers come together for an ice fishing. This is not only fishing, but a day of unity and supportiveness.

Little girl Niukku is going for her first munkha. She puts on her ornamented mittens and claims they are magical. Her elder brother Michil makes fun of this, but Niukku is going to prove him and everyone that she and her mittens are going to be of great help at munkha.


Main characters



Niukku is little, but very determined girl. She is going to be pretty whenever she heads to, and no elder brother has the right to tell her what to do. 

Niukku likes to explore and be everywhere at once.


He is smart and is already old enough to teach his little sister life lessons. He is his father's and mother's helping hand.

Of course he loves his silly little Niukku, but no one's going to know about it. 


Наши услуги

Наш основной вид деятельности: 60.20 Деятельность в области телевизионного вещания (производство телевизионного канала по заказу организации, осуществляющей телевизионное вещание).


По заказу телеканала "НВК" мы создаем анимационные фильмы о зиме в Якутии.

Создание баз данных

Создаем базы данных для производства. Свидетельство о государственной регистрации баз данных №2023623885.

База данных: здесь.


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